Friday, March 11, 2011

Day 44- Now What?

So, what type of pseudo-ascetic prescriptions does one follow during Lent as a Uke? I wasn't entirely sure so I had to consult with my dad, whom we all affectionately refer to as Rohi.

People who know Rohi casually may not be aware that he is a pretty sensitive, spiritual guy. In some ways, his outward appearance conceals these tendencies from the general public.

Rohi, circa 1988, East Chatham, NY
That's one of my favorite pics of my dad: creepin' through the cemetery at Вовча Тропа. Supposedly that's the grave of a murdered woman whose spirit haunts a Ukrainian recreational area in upstate New York. Anyway, you can see what I mean about the persona. Or how about this:

Somewhere in the Gulf of Mexico (Fishers of Men?) 

Nevertheless, I sought out Rohi's advice in this matter. We spoke on Monday, which was the beginning of our Lent. Yes, apparently Ukrainian Catholics need those two extra days of holiness--maybe to make up for the rest of the year? Our conversation went like this here:

Rohi- "You know that піст (the fast) begins today..."

Me-    "Yeah I know... So what are we supposed to do?"

Rohi- "Well, we don't eat any meat, eggs, milk, butter or any kind of dairy on Monday,
Wednesday and Friday."
(no butter?! what about these words of wisdom, "butter makes it better, brother"? i loooove me some butter!)
"But it's not just about what you eat. Try to reflect a little bit, go to Church every once in awhile, say a prayer."
(let's not go that far, Rohi. baby steps!)

He also noted that children and the elderly are exempt from fasting. Funny, but I recall eating a whole lot of tuna fish on Fridays growing up...

What do other sources say about fasting? The website for St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Church in Canada provides a fasting Q&A. This page states that the Ukrainian Synod following the Second Vatican Council reduced the obligatory fast days to the first day of Lent and Good Friday.

I'm of the feeling that if you're going to do something, do it right; so, Monday, Wednesday and Friday it is. And that means no more of this:
That's Rohi devouring a "fart fuel quesadilla" on a camping trip in 2006. No mas!
The page also mentions Orthodox restrictions on oil, fish and wine. However, this self-denial is geared towards people with a Mediterranean diet, and does not apply to Ukrainian Catholics. Thank god--if that were the case, I would be surviving off of soy milk and peanut butter for the next six weeks!


  1. That Rohi picture still disgusts me to this day.

  2. that's a Nykolai original! the combination of the various ingredients was pretty raunchy though. Oh yeah, you didn't witness the fart fuel quesadilla, did you? Nyk included every type of food that could possibly give a person gas ans somehow convinced Rohi to eat it.

  3. milk and peanut butter
